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Cricket Changemakers Evidence Note v3.1_Page_1.jpg


Youth-led Change Through Cricket

Girls in Nepal face widespread discrimination and disadvantage due to their gender. This increases their risk of mental ill health, exposes them to violence, and limits their life opportunities.

Given these challenges, how can the societal norms and expectations about gender roles be positively changed to create a more equal, healthier and happier future for all youth in Nepal?

The Cricket Changemakers is a play-based research project designed to facilitate positive changes in societal gender norms.

Evidence: About Me
School and Community Coaching  - Biratnagar, Nepal
Cricket Changemaker Research Activities - Biratnagar, Nepal
Cricket + Gender Workshop - Biratnagar, Nepal
Teacher and Coach Training in Gender + Cricket - Saptari, Nepal
School and Community Coaching - Saptari, Nepal
Menstruation Cup and Megacamp - Saptari, Nepal
Girls Interschool Cricket - Saptari, Nepal
CWB and NCF Kwik Cricket Festival - Morang, Nepal
Evidence: Video Player
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